Dry Ice
J&D Ice is the largest supplier of the highest quality Dry Ice in Central London. We supply dry ice for Airline Caterers, Railway Caterers, Medical Transportation and Theatrical Special Effects.
Dry ice is solidified carbon dioxide (CO2). Distinct from regular ice, which exists at temperatures of 32°F (0°C) and below, dry ice is extremely cold, -109°F (-80°C). Unlike water ice, dry ice does not melt. Instead, it sublimates (changes directly from solid to gas), releasing CO2. Carbon dioxide vapor is substantially heavier than air. In confined, poorly ventilated spaces it can displace air, causing asphyxiation. It is even possible for CO2 vapor to accumulate in low-lying areas, out-of-doors, under zero or very light wind conditions.
DRY ICE IS STRICTLY NOT FOR CONSUMPTION! It is used only for visual and cooling effects.
Ordering Dry Ice
We supply dry ice within Central London, a minimum order of 5kg or 10kg applies depending on location. Please contact our friendly team for prices.
Orders for dry ice generally need to be placed at least one day before delivery or 8-11am on the day. Our vans do NOT store Dry Ice unless ordered in advance, however we will try our best to deliver the same day if required.
Dry Ice is supplied in individually wrapped 1kg slices, or you can request that we crush it into pellets for you although when ordering pellets you will lose a small amount due to exposure to the atmosphere during the crushing process.
It is quite impossible to advise on how to use dry ice and the quantity that you will need, as it is not an exact science. You really need to experiment with it personally.
Our dry ice is delivered in cardboard boxes.
Please carefully read the Dry Ice fact sheet below before you place an order.
Dry Ice Fact Sheet
You cannot store dry ice as it is -80 degrees, therefore it will disappear even if stored in a freezer. You need to obtain it or have it delivered close to the time it will be used.
The only way of storing it effectively is by use of an insulated container with a lid - you should also pack any remaining space in the container with wadded newspaper in order to decrease the oxygen content. Basically you are trying to 'suffocate' the dry ice in order to keep it in a solid form for as long as possible. You would still lose in excess of 50% over a 24 hour period
Water temperature affects the characteristics of the fog created. Hotter water or steam vaporizes the carbon dioxide more quickly, yielding lots of fog and using up the dry ice more quickly. If fresh hot water or steam isn't added, the remaining water will cool quickly.
Dry ice increases the level of carbon dioxide in the air where it is used. This can present a respiratory hazard low to ground (or downstairs, if applicable), in enclosed spaces, or with large quantities of dry ice. Do not transport dry ice in the passenger compartment of your vehicle; it must only be placed in the boot of the vehicle.
It is used only for visual and cooling effects.

Dry Ice Safety
When handled properly, dry ice is safe and easy to use. Please follow these guidelines for handling and disposal of dry ice.-
AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND EYES! Dry ice is extremely cold, -109°F (-79°C) and can cause severe frostbite within seconds of direct contact. (Frostbite is a freezing injury resembling a burn.)
- NEVER HANDLE DRY ICE WITH YOUR BARE HANDS. Always wear insulated gloves. Safety glasses, long-sleeved shirt, long pants and shoes are also recommended. Use tongs to handle blocks of dry ice.
- DO NOT PUT DRY ICE IN YOUR MOUTH OR OTHERWISE INGEST IT. If dry ice is accidentally ingested, it can cause severe internal injury. Never put dry ice in beverages to cool them.
- KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Only adults should handle dry ice.
- OBTAIN DRY ICE IN THE FORM AND SIZE IN WHICH IT WILL BE USED. Never saw a block of dry ice; never use a hammer to break a block of dry ice into smaller pieces.
- TRANSPORT DRY ICE IN YOUR VEHICLE TRUNK OR TRUCK BED. DRY ICE MUST NEVER BE STORED IN THE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT OF THE VEHICLE WITHOUT PROPER VENTILATION. Leave windows open for fresh air circulation. Never leave dry ice in a parked passenger vehicle. Sublimation of dry ice in a closed passenger vehicle can result in the accumulation of dangerous concentrations of asphyxiating carbon dioxide vapor. Dry ice can be safely transported without special ventilation in the closed cargo area of a truck if all occupants are restricted to the cab. When opening a closed cargo area containing dry ice, allow the closed space to ventilate for 5 minutes before entering.
- NEVER STORE DRY ICE IN GLASS OR OTHER SEALED (AIRTIGHT) CONTAINERS OR COOLERS. Storage in a sealed container can result in a rupture or explosion of the container from over-pressurization.
- DO NOT USE DRY ICE IN CONFINED AREAS. Dry ice releases heavy carbon dioxide vapor that can cause rapid suffocation.
- DO NOT PLACE DRY ICE ON A TILE OR LAMINATED COUNTER TOP. Instead, use a solid surface - a wood cutting board or piece of plywood is best. Dry ice is sometimes used in tile removal and may destroy the bonding agent holding the tile or laminated material in place.
DO NOT PLACE DRY ICE IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH PERISHABLE FOODS OR BOTTLED/CANNED BEVERAGES. Produce may sustain severe freezer burns and bottle/canned beverages may split or explode.
Disposing of Dry Ice
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DUMP UNUSED DRY ICE. Allow the dry ice to sublimate or evaporate to the atmosphere in a well-ventilated area where no build-up of carbon dioxide vapor can occur.
DO NOT DISPOSE OF DRY ICE IN SEWERS, SINKS, OR TOILETS. The extreme cold will harm sink disposal, toilet parts and pipes.